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Evaporative Air Conditioning Perth – Infiniti Air & Solar

Perth’s Evaporative Air Conditioning Specialist

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What is Evaporative Air Conditioning?

Evaporative air conditioning systems are a popular form of air conditioning which use the process of evaporation to cool rooms.

How does it work?

Water is circulated through the system and evaporates as it takes energy from the warm air. This cools down the air but also increases humidity (the amount of water in the air).

Because there is a limit to how much water the air can hold, evaporative air conditioning systems work best when your room has a low humidity (a low amount of water in the air) to begin with. The higher the humidity of the air in your room, the less effective the system will be.

Additionally, evaporative air conditioning systems require a source of ventilation and work best when outside windows or doors are left open to allow fresh air to enter the house.

Evaporative, Ducted or Split System Air Conditioning?

Evaporative air conditioning systems are just one option, with other popular options including split system air conditioning and ducted systems.

Why Choose Evaporative Air Conditioning?

Evaporative air conditioning systems have three main advantages:

And several disadvantages:

Evaporative Air Conditioning vs Split System Air Conditioning

A split system air conditioner has part of the system outside the building and part of it inside the room, which helps to keep heat outside the building.

Compared to an evaporative system, split system air conditioning provides superior cooling regardless of the humidity, although at an increased installation cost. Additionally, there’s no need for extra ventilation, so you don’t have to keep windows and doors open.

Split system air conditioning is ideal for zoning and for smaller properties where ducted air conditioning is not an option, despite the fact that they have a higher aesthetic impact than ducted systems.

Evaporative Air Conditioning vs Ducted Air Conditioning

A ducted air conditioning system is similar to a split system air conditioner, except that the entire cooling system is concealed in a hard-to-see area (often in the roof space) and cool air is directed to different areas of the property using ducts.

Compared to an evaporative air conditioning system, a ducted air conditioning system is significantly less obtrusive and far better for cooling an entire building. This means it’s easy to maintain the same temperature across the entire property with just one controlled system. It is also more effective in humid environments.

However, the main disadvantages to using a ducted system is that the initial installation costs more and that the space requirement for fitting the ducting can limit your options.

What Are The Running Costs?

The running costs for evaporative air conditioning systems in Perth depend upon both the cost of electricity and the cost of water, and as such may vary according to the time of day.

For example, an evaporative air conditioning system with a 0.75kW fan and a need for 80 litres of water will cost $0.225 per hour for electricity (at $0.30 per kW hour) plus $0.26 per hour for water (at $3.25 per kL). The combined cost is approximately $0.49 per hour.

Installing Evaporative Air Conditioning Systems

We have more than 21 years of experience and are Perth’s experts at installing a wide range of air conditioning systems. To find out more about our installation services, click here.

Service and Maintenance

Typically, evaporative air conditioning systems require slightly more maintenance than other types of air conditioning systems. We recommend that users have their systems serviced regularly to ensure they run at optimum efficiency.

We repair and maintain a wide range of air conditioning brands, including Samsung, Fujitsu, Panasonic and Daikin air conditioning systems.

Our Recommendation

Although evaporative air conditioning systems offer a low-cost solution to air conditioning, their reliance on low humidity can make them unreliable at times. Additionally, Perth’s dry climate means it is better to use a system that is less reliant on consuming large quantities of water (as much as 100 litres per hour).

Because of this, we do not currently sell evaporative air conditioning systems, and instead recommend our customers to opt for either ducted or split system air conditioning systems as a more reliable way of cooling their home, office, or business.

We are authorised dealers for Actron Air, who specialise in producing high-performance coolers that are perfect for Australia’s hot climate. Actron Air offers the most energy efficient systems on the market today – including split system air conditioningMultiElite split system air conditioners, and ducted reverse cycle air conditioning solutions to serve both residential and commercial clients across Perth.

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